Lou Laurence

Singer. Songwriter. Siren.

Revisiting Romance

In 2021, I did a series of videos leading up to Valentine’s Day called, 14 Days of Romance. The series was a fun way to play in writing, video editing, and music all at once. It was the heart & height of COVID restrictions and Montreal was in a season of curfews and isolation. What better time to think on love?

This year, I’ve decided to go for round two of 14 Days - this time with 14 Days of Unsolicited Romantic Advice. Follow along on Instagram if you want to pick up some untested advice or just have a laugh.

In the meantime, I thought I’d gather all of the original 14 Days of Romance here. The first edition was really heavy on the written word, so if you forgot to read the captions, now’s your chance.

Happy February! It’s -40 in Montreal, so good luck to us all.